Double Springs Baptist Church

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SimpleSteps Addition Recovery

Double Springs Baptist Church

SimpleSteps Addiction Recovery Can Help!

SimpleSteps Addiction Recovery

A weekly faith-based addiction recovery program that gives you support for life’s challenges.

Our local chapter meets every Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Double Springs Baptist Church.
Address: 2783 Rock Springs Rd, Kingsport, TN 37664.
Call (423) 349-4481 if you need help.
See you this Friday at 7 PM!

Conquer Your Addiction

Are you struggling with any kind of stubborn habit or addiction? If so, SimpleSteps is the place for you. Jesus said, “Whom I have set free, is free indeed.” It is His desire that we each be set free from life’s challenges whether it is addictions, stubborn habits, anxiety, or depression. 

Here at SimpleSteps Addiction Recovery we strive to help you replace your addiction with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus promises, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” I have personally seen Him do this in the lives of many people. 

At SimpleSteps, you will find a team of leaders who understand your pain and struggles. They will encourage and guide you to a new hope and ultimately a new life in Christ. I look forward to seeing you grow in your faith and recovery in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Victory Is Yours

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 

Rom 8:37 KJV

SimpleSteps Addiction Recovery FAQs


No matter what is going on in your life, no matter what you are struggling with, SimpleSteps is for you. This is an “open” program. Loved ones, spouses, and parents are encouraged to attend the program with or without those that struggle with an addiction.



Our program meets in the facilities of Double Springs Baptist Church. We are located 2783 Rock Springs Rd, Kingsport, TN 37664


Every Friday night – rain or shine! Even if it’s Christmas or New Years, we meet every Friday, no matter the Holiday.

Yes. We will have a large group meeting with everyone then we will break into smaller groups.


No, after the large group meeting we will separate into several men’s and women’s groups.


They are very confidential. What is said in the small group stays in the small group.


The program is absolutely FREE! We do provide resources at very low costs that are available for purchase. But there are never any admission fees for attendance.


As for the materials, the program itself is free, but we do provide additional materials such as our workbook and journals at minimal cost.


Give us a call.  We will provide transportation at no cost.

Yes, our children’s program includes bouncy houses, games, Bible lessons, and more! Child care is also free.


Doesn’t matter.  This program is open to everyone.


SimpleSteps is not only for struggling addicts but also for those close to them.


Absolutely, you need support to make it and cope with life.


You have come to the right place.  You will find the support you need.